Saturday, 14 January 2017

30 in 30: Day 14 "Fake Lake"

Fake Lake
10" x 10" - acrylic on canvas - $75
I posted an earlier water colour version of this subject a few days ago, and wondered at the time what it would be like in acrylic. A good reason to do another version. I started by sketching the shapes onto the canvas using an 'ink tense' pencil, and then used a wet brush to smear and blur the lines. In this way I stop myself from being too tight and also tone (and mess up) the canvas a little. As I worked I continued to use different coloured ink tense pencils, wetting some of the lines and leaving others. I have been painting with this red-orange-yellow-pink palette a lot lately, and I am really enjoying the colours and results. 
The subject is based on a photo I took of a small man-made lake near where in live in Ontario, and it has been affectionately called by many in the town Fake Lake, hence the title. This is painting number 14 in as many days. 
Looking forward to the end of the month!


  1. Pat I think Fake Lake never looked so beautiful!
    This is quite amazing that you're doing this 30 for 30, what a challenge. I'm really enjoying it.
    Happy New Year to you! xox

  2. Love both versions, but prefer this version! Lovely color palette. Great title. And thanks for describing the process. I've got some InkTense pencils in storage & will get reacquainted with them sometime.
