Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Pretty River Valley

Pretty River Valley
20" x 24" - acrylic on canvas (with some pastel on top) - $300

It has been awhile since I lasted posted. I have been painting, however, and as usual, I have been working on several  canvases at once. I started this work about 2 weeks ago, and after a long time thinking that it was finished, I changed the big tree, just a bit. Done!  The subject is based on a photo I took last Christmas when there was no snow in the Collingwood area (in Ontario, north of Toronto) where I happened to be for a few days celebrating with family.

As you can see in the photo, I maintained the basic composition in the painting, but exaggerated the colour of the vegetation and landscape .  Here are some photos showing how the painting progressed.

I am really happy with this one, a bit of a change in palette for me - and I love the addition of the graphic pastel lines on top of the painting surface.  Very autumnal, and for me, painterly and loose!

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